next few blogs we will be discussing on In build Jsf component. How
these component can be used in the application and the attributes
they support. We will also see how to create custom and composite
tags. But before we start let us see what really a component is.
Jsf is a component driven framework.
A component is a unit which perform a specific task and can be can
be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third
parties. “A Jsf UI component, or control, is a component
that provides specific functionality for interacting with an end
user. Classic examples include toolbars, buttons, panels, and
jsf Component fuctionality can be discribe in three steps:-
- Converting incoming request parameters from the markup(Html) to the values of the component.
- Hold the values for process like converstion , validation and bussiness logic action.
- Converting the current values of the component back into the corresponding markup, that is, HTML.
JSF components consist of two parts: the component and the renderer.
JSF Component class defines the state and behavior of a UI component;
a renderer defines how the component will be read from the request
and how it will be displayed -- usually though HTML.The renderer
converts the values of the component to appropriate markup. Event
queuing and performance validation happen inside the component.
us look take an example . The HtmlInputText component can be divded
into two parts
- <h:inputText> tag which is responsible for holding the information and behavior .
- A TextRenderer which is reponsible for Decoding the request from html to component value and encoding the component values into html standards.
Jsf Life Cycle you can see the phase where the encoding and
decoding happens.
JSF Tags
application typically uses JSP pages to represent views. JSF provides
useful special tags to enhance these views. Each tag gives rise to an
associated component. JSF provides 43 tags in two standard JSF tag
- JSF Core Tags Library and
- JSF Html Tags Library
a very simple page uses tags from both libraries.
taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsf/core“
prefix=”f” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsf/html“ prefix=”h” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”http://java.sun.com/jsf/html“ prefix=”h” %>
we will see the Jsf Html Tags Libraries . We will discuss the Jsf
core libraries in the further blogs.
Html Tags:
Html tags can be divided into following categories:
1. Inputs :
inputText :- creates text input control (single line)
inputTextarea :- creates text input control (multiline)
inputHidden :- creates hidden field
inputSecret :- creates input control for password
inputText :- creates text input control (single line)
inputTextarea :- creates text input control (multiline)
inputHidden :- creates hidden field
inputSecret :- creates input control for password
2. Outputs :
outputFormat :- creates outputText, but formats compound messages
outputLabe l:- creates label
outputLink :- creates anchor
outputText :- creates single line text output
outputFormat :- creates outputText, but formats compound messages
outputLabe l:- creates label
outputLink :- creates anchor
outputText :- creates single line text output
3. Commands :
commandButton:- creates button
commandLink:- creates link that acts like a pushbutton
commandButton:- creates button
commandLink:- creates link that acts like a pushbutton
4. Selections :
selectBooleanCheckbox :- creates checkbox
selectManyCheckbox:- creates set of checkboxes
selectManyListbox :- creates multiselect listbox
selectManyMenu:- creates multiselect menu
selectOneListbox:- creates single select listbox
selectOneMenu:- creates single select menu
selectOneRadio:- creates set of radio buttons
selectBooleanCheckbox :- creates checkbox
selectManyCheckbox:- creates set of checkboxes
selectManyListbox :- creates multiselect listbox
selectManyMenu:- creates multiselect menu
selectOneListbox:- creates single select listbox
selectOneMenu:- creates single select menu
selectOneRadio:- creates set of radio buttons
5. Layouts :
form :- creates a form
panelGrid :- creates html table with specified number of columns
panelGroup :- used to group other components where the specification
requires one child element.
6. Data Table :
dataTable:- creates a table control
column:- creates column in a dataTable
dataTable:- creates a table control
column:- creates column in a dataTable
7. Message :
message:- displays the most recent message for a component
messages:- displays all messages
message:- displays the most recent message for a component
messages:- displays all messages